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Students experience music through singing, playing, listening, moving and analyzing, and developing musical skills at age appropriate levels. Students participate in several yearly concerts which are showcased through vocal, instrumental, drama performances and art displays. 

  • Vocal instruction is 2 times a week for elementary.

  • Recorder instruction is 2 times a week for 5th grade.

  • Art instruction is 2 times a week for elementary.


The PCS Fine Arts Department offers choices of vocal, instrumental and art instruction during the school-day as an elective course. Students participate in several yearly concerts which are showcased through vocal, instrumental, drama performances and art displays. 


  • Vocal instruction is 2 times a week.

  • Band instruction is 3 times a week.

  • Art instruction is 2 times a week. 


  • Art instruction is 1 time a week. 

  • Band, vocal or art extension are several of the options available for middle school elective. 

  • Each class meets 3 times a week.

High School

The PCS Fine Arts Department offers choices of vocal, instrumental and art instruction during the school-day as an elective course. Students participate in MSBOA solo/ensemble along with several yearly concerts which are showcased through vocal, instrumental, drama performances and art displays. High school students are able to participate in a student led praise team for chapel and an after school drama program which includes a yearly musical or drama performance. Electives are offered 4 times a week

Our High School Theatre Department is dedicated to teaching children and youth ‘life skills’ through theatre arts education. Using innovative and artistic programming we inspire and empower young people to discover their God given talents and use them to glorify Him through acting, song and dance. Opportunities are also available for High School students to learn the technical side of productions, such as lighting, sound, and Stage Management.

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