Shared-Time Program
Shared-Time Program
Shared-time is a state program that has been in existence for decades. In fact, Parkway has participated in this program since before we were Parkway. Our current partnership with South Redford provides us with a significant amount of autonomy, and we are very pleased. Here is how it works:
Parkway maintains the ability to hire and fire all of our staff, as appropriate. When hiring a teacher that would teach a qualifying shared-time class (honors/AP/elective), we are able to hire as we usually do - ensuring that our staff are like-minded and committed to Kingdom Education principles. Those staff then complete the hiring process for both Parkway and South Redford, thus being shared-time teachers.
South Redford Benefits:
South Redford is able to count the Parkway students who are enrolled in qualifying courses in order to receive state funding. A portion of that funding is used to cover salary costs, supply costs and substitute costs associated with those qualifying courses. The remainder of the funding is used to support their district.
Parkway Benefits:
The funds saved allow Parkway to keep our tuition low while offering many high quality electives and advanced courses, without sacrificing our vision to Challenge Minds, Capture Hearts and Cultivate Gifts.